Together we learn to unbridle
the wild, authentic Self

These diverse, guided experiences create a supportive and inspiring environment to explore your depths, beyond the stories you've come to believe about yourself. Together we discover our hidden dimensions, capacities, and talents, and we enjoy a level of connection and transparency that many haven't encountered anywhere, let alone in a group setting.
When we give ourselves permission to be just as we are, when we go beyond the surface of normal social exchanges and are met in deep presence, magic happens...and soulful community is created.
These gatherings are really about opening our hearts to risk vulnerability. For many of us, this requires practice. But soulful community makes opening up easier to do. It may even become a habit, one that re-wires your old programming that says you have to hold back to be safe.
The tools we use together vary and include:
Guided Meditation
Wisdom Talks
Poetic Contemplation
Reflective Dialogue
Uncensored Writing
Subtle Movement & Dance
View current events and subscribe to my mailing list to stay in touch about upcoming offerings.
You may also consider personal sessions to explore this work in a one-to-one setting.